Saturday, March 13, 2021

My Story

The success of my healing journey inspired me to be an advocate of the true way to health. I discovered a viable all-encompassing solution to my health issues at Total Swiss, an organisation with the vision to empower people to take charge of their health in a sustainable way.

In 2018, I attended a talk on “365 health Code” by Total Swiss. I finally grasped the key to consistently good health - which is to maintain and keep our body temperature at 36.5°C over 365 days, by ensuring that all my trillions of cells are well nourished daily.

I was also impressed by the usage of a comprehensive full blood test report to understand our physical health conditions from a nutritional perspective as well as to update us on our health status. My first full test showed that my blood count was very high for Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori), a type of bacteria that could lead to stomach cancer. Many people do not know if they are infected with H Pylori as there are no symptoms although some may experience stomach bloating, gastric, etc.,- and that could affect the efficient absorption of what we eat.

I have been consuming the cellular nutrition Fit Solution by Total Swiss for the past 3 years, coupled with a healthy dietary, exercise and stress management regime. A recent blood test shows that my blood count for H. Pylori has now gone from high to normal now. My former anaemic condition has also greatly improved.

In 2019, I was encouraged by the good folks at Total Swiss to sign up for the internationally recognised AMAC certification, and I am now equipped (and very passionate) to help others find the way to true health through nutrition.

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